Monday, 22 September 2014

Post-Interview Waiting Game

So tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since the interview. A whole month less than our fellow New Zealand Applicants (honestly don't know how they have survived this long!), but the wait is still such a nerve-racking process!!!
We were told we would hear by the end of September, which so happens to be next week, but hopefully we receive emails this week. But I guess we have to just think that at this point in time, no news is good news; right?
Anywho, the rest of this post will be dedicated to Disney CP Waiting for Acceptance Memes... (@dcpmemes)


  1. The waiting game is nerve racking!!!! AAAAAH i wish they just tell us now haha!! so tired of waiting lol! i just wanna know now! and hopefully its good news! fingers crossed!

  2. I know we've been accepted now but this just made me laugh so much. Especially the last one bahahaha!
