Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Step 6: The Email to End all Emails

At 6.40am my Dad woke me up to go to Crossfit so I thought whilst I am awake, I might as well check my emails. THANK YOU DAD FOR WAKING ME UP!
As I stared at that glorious email, the only word I could process was "CONGRATULATIONS!" whilst jumping out of my bed yelling 'oh my god oh my god...' and then jumping into mum's room and attempting to tell her the great news!
So in short, yes I did go to Crossfit at 7am... haha

I never would have thought that an email would affect me as much as that one did! I couldn't wipe the smile off my face or stop jumping with joy! It was just INCREDIBLE! This entire day I have been unable to function as a normal human being... just everything is passing me by whilst my brain is thinking: DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY!!!

So now to what emails you actually receive...
  1. Disney International Programs: CONGRATULATIONS!
    • Simply has a link so you can either except or define the offer within 14 days. Here you have 2 documents that you will need to save! 
      • First Document: Start and finish dates are indicated here and what your 'major responsibilities' are (your role) 
      • Second Document: Immigration Information Document
  2. Congratulations! Your next step to accept
    • Has a link for you to pay some fees that they tell you about at the Presentation/Interview
  3. Disney International Programs: Welcome to the Team!
  4. Mandatory Medical Insurance Coverage
    • Email explaining that you need to buy health insurance. There are three categories to choose from and it ranges from 79 to 122.95 USD per month.

Now onto DOC, they have added two new attachments: Flight Details and Visa Schedule Date. From my understanding, they send over a welcome package through FedEx about VISA and all the other fancy stuff you get to do over there. I'll let you know once I get more information about this :) 

And that is it. It is very surreal to think that in 111 days, I'll officially be working for the Mouse!! 

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