Wednesday 10 September 2014

Step 4: The Interview

This is it. Even though the day has come and gone; I am just as nervous as I was prior to the interview...
The beginning of my day started somewhat like the following:
After waking up at around 7:00am, I began to hog the bathroom to ensure that I was smelling all clean and fresh, that my subtle make up was on point and my hair was decent enough considering it was so windy that I was expecting Mary Poppins to come knocking on my door asking whether I'd like to fly into the City with her..  Anyway, I asked dad nicely to take me to the train station at 9:00am. Usually i'd take the bus but considering the train was closer to my location, I decided a train would be the safest option if it began to rain.
On the way there, I encounted my first obstical; I left my bloody phone at home! This never happens considering that my phone is practically attached to me. So we went back. Thankfully I was early catching the train anyway so I ended up getting into the City at 9.45am.
I met with Lily and Bec at our meeting point (Cafe) and they were just the most loveliest people ever and Lauren arrived shortly after me, and turns out she lives on the other side of the main road to me. Small world? I think yes!

We met:

  • Jill: Florida, International Recruiter 
  • Delinda: Adelaide, Cruise Line Recruiter (from memory) and Port Adelaide Supporter

They gave us an hour overview (10:30am - 11.30am) of what the Disney Company does and who they are partnered with and about what the program entails. One thing you should know is that you must bring photo identification!! So just bring your student ID, drivers licence or passport. They didn't ask for any other forms as everything they require should already be on DOC.
The start dates they gave us was 13th January or 27th of January and they both end on the 13th of June. Now this is going by memory during a time where I was holding back all my emotions and probably evoked the emotions similar to that of a brick wall trying to maintain a smile. So I apologise if some of my points aren't completely accurate.

During the presentation, a few applicants won fancy luggage tags when they answered some questions regarding the company. I was too slow in putting my hand up and was kinda sad that one of the girls won a tag even though she didn't know the answer, but I did. That's ok, I will get my luggage tag one day!!! haha

As answering phone calls during the time they are talking would be a huge disaster, I had received texts of encouragement and a lovely voice message from Adam (boyfriend) wishing me all the best, to believe in myself and not to stress because he thought I would get it. God I hope he is right...

Since my navigation skills around RMIT were terrible, Lily offered to take me and show everyone else, who were with us, the location of the interview straight after the presentation, which was very sweet!
So we were given hour time slots but the interview itself went for 10-15 minutes. I was part of the first group (12.30pm-1.30pm) who were individually interviewed. Unfortunately they were running half an hour late because the dang door wouldn't open! RUDE!
Once they began, they asked for any volunteers of who would like to go first and from then on, they did the interview in alphabetical order, according to your first name. They both interviewed separately and it went so quickly!
I was interviewed by Delinda and the questions I remember her asking me were...

  • Do you go to this school? If not, where do you go?
  • What year are you currently in with your course?
  • What are you studying and why did you chose it? What would you like to do after university?
  • Do you currently work? If so, where? 
  • Any other work experience?
  • Why did you chose to apply for the program?
  • Have you been to America before? 
  • Do you currently live independently? If not, have you ever had time away from home or away from your parents? 
  • How do you feel about living with others? 
  • What would you do if you had a 'cast member from hell'? i.e. always messy and not considerate of others?
  • What were your top role preferences? 
  • Character Attendant - Do you know what this role entails? Why do you think you'll be suited to this role? 
  • Do you have any body piercings or tattoos? 
  • Prior to going into the program, you will have to do a background check. And upon arrival you will have to do a drug test. Are you ok with both of these? 
  • Most roles require heavy lifting and several measures to ensure your safety, is this okay? 
  • Is there any questions you'd like to ask me?

Other than muddling up my words a few times, I think I did well. I also started talking about the AFL as the team she supports smashed the team I support in the knock-out stage of the finals. So they tried to make it less stressful than what it really was. And don't worry, my hands began to sweat from stress during the interview so when I shook her hand, I apologised.. haha Also, I do believe I walked into the whiteboard and door handle when leaving the room and my shoe nearly slipped off when I was leaving the building... this is typical for me so I just laughed it off.
Just don't forget to smile!!

And that was it for me. Now I am praying and wishing upon all the stars that Delinda thinks I'll be a great cast member and represent the Disney Company to the high standard they are looking for :)

P.s. I feel as if I should have worn this t-shirt to the presentation and interview instead of a knee length blue dress. Don't worry too much about the Disney Look also! a few people wore jeans and a nice top, partly because they had class straight after.


  1. Ahhh good luck Nichola :) I am sure you did fantastic!

    1. eeekkk hope so! i'm sure you also did well too Priya :) NOT LONG LEFT!

  2. Oh no! Was that the question I helped the girl next to me with? (the one about the cruise ships). I feel really guilty now :( Was so fantastic to meet you though, hopefully we all have our dreams come true :D

    1. haha don't worry!! :) it wasn't my fate to have one of those luggage tags... but one day I will have it in my life! It was really lovely to meet you too :) and I hope so too!
