Tuesday 11 November 2014

Signing up for Classes

Well most of you will probably be thinking, classes? who has time or would want to do that?! But don't worry, these are different! There are three different types to choose from:
  • Collegiate Courses: 11 sessions (3-4 hour class each week) and has homework. Cost = $10.00-$30.00
  • Disney Exploration Series: 8 sessions (2 hour class each week) and has NO homework! YAY! Cost = FREE. 
  • Professional Development Studies: 8 sessions (2-4 hour class each week), not sure about homework. Cost = FREE. Wait list option only. 
NOTE: If a class has reached capacity, you can sign up to be wait listed and then just hope for the best. If you want to do 'Exploring Disney Heritage', I highly recommend you try to apply when registrations open because this series is very popular and it filled up within an hour! Link for registration is here
Now I would go further in detail about each of these, but here is a link for you to download course syllabus and take a little quiz to see which course is right for you. Also you should know that these are not mandatory! It is completely up to you whether you want to participate in these classes :) 

If you are interested, create a login a day or two before registration opens just so you avoid any login issues on the day since the website constantly freaks out and decides not to work anymore. To register, you simply click on 'Retrieve Password' and it just asks for a username/email (use the one you used for your dashboard or DOC).

When I applied, the registration opened at 10 am EST, which is 2am AEDT and that wasn't very fun.. (especially when it kept crashing). Just try to be patient.. Some people it took them less than 30 minutes to sign up, which is amazing! It took me an hour but that was because it freaked out every time I clicked on the sign up button, so I could only sign into one class at a time.

And that is all there is to it :)

Wednesday 15 October 2014


Not much has happened since receiving and paying for my place in the program. So still in this upward spiral of waiting which isn't too bad anymore since there is some relief there.
Also, the following photo of Rapunzel reflects my emotional state at this very moment with university just overloading me with stress thanks to assignments, tests and the final exams that are just around the corner...

Anyway, I haven't exactly decided on how I would creatively reflect or keep myself busy prior to going to Disney World but once the holidays begin in just over a month, dedication to all things Disney will just explode! Might get back into painting and drawing.. Watch this space!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Step 6: The Email to End all Emails

At 6.40am my Dad woke me up to go to Crossfit so I thought whilst I am awake, I might as well check my emails. THANK YOU DAD FOR WAKING ME UP!
As I stared at that glorious email, the only word I could process was "CONGRATULATIONS!" whilst jumping out of my bed yelling 'oh my god oh my god...' and then jumping into mum's room and attempting to tell her the great news!
So in short, yes I did go to Crossfit at 7am... haha

I never would have thought that an email would affect me as much as that one did! I couldn't wipe the smile off my face or stop jumping with joy! It was just INCREDIBLE! This entire day I have been unable to function as a normal human being... just everything is passing me by whilst my brain is thinking: DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY!!!

So now to what emails you actually receive...
  1. Disney International Programs: CONGRATULATIONS!
    • Simply has a link so you can either except or define the offer within 14 days. Here you have 2 documents that you will need to save! 
      • First Document: Start and finish dates are indicated here and what your 'major responsibilities' are (your role) 
      • Second Document: Immigration Information Document
  2. Congratulations! Your next step to accept
    • Has a link for you to pay some fees that they tell you about at the Presentation/Interview
  3. Disney International Programs: Welcome to the Team!
  4. Mandatory Medical Insurance Coverage
    • Email explaining that you need to buy health insurance. There are three categories to choose from and it ranges from 79 to 122.95 USD per month.

Now onto DOC, they have added two new attachments: Flight Details and Visa Schedule Date. From my understanding, they send over a welcome package through FedEx about VISA and all the other fancy stuff you get to do over there. I'll let you know once I get more information about this :) 

And that is it. It is very surreal to think that in 111 days, I'll officially be working for the Mouse!! 

Monday 22 September 2014

Post-Interview Waiting Game

So tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since the interview. A whole month less than our fellow New Zealand Applicants (honestly don't know how they have survived this long!), but the wait is still such a nerve-racking process!!!
We were told we would hear by the end of September, which so happens to be next week, but hopefully we receive emails this week. But I guess we have to just think that at this point in time, no news is good news; right?
Anywho, the rest of this post will be dedicated to Disney CP Waiting for Acceptance Memes... (@dcpmemes)

Friday 12 September 2014

Step 5: Post-Interview Thank you or NLIC Email

Ok... I recieved the 'Thank you for Interviewing' Email at 7.52am that said they are still reviewing my qualifications and skills, and to remain patient! :)
When I initially saw that email, I felt relief and also felt sick in my stomach thinking this is it; this is where my time on this journey ends.. BUT IT ISN'T! WOOOO!!!!

And guess what? MORE WAITING! Now who wouldn't be excited by that...

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Step 4: The Interview

This is it. Even though the day has come and gone; I am just as nervous as I was prior to the interview...
The beginning of my day started somewhat like the following:
After waking up at around 7:00am, I began to hog the bathroom to ensure that I was smelling all clean and fresh, that my subtle make up was on point and my hair was decent enough considering it was so windy that I was expecting Mary Poppins to come knocking on my door asking whether I'd like to fly into the City with her..  Anyway, I asked dad nicely to take me to the train station at 9:00am. Usually i'd take the bus but considering the train was closer to my location, I decided a train would be the safest option if it began to rain.
On the way there, I encounted my first obstical; I left my bloody phone at home! This never happens considering that my phone is practically attached to me. So we went back. Thankfully I was early catching the train anyway so I ended up getting into the City at 9.45am.
I met with Lily and Bec at our meeting point (Cafe) and they were just the most loveliest people ever and Lauren arrived shortly after me, and turns out she lives on the other side of the main road to me. Small world? I think yes!

We met:

  • Jill: Florida, International Recruiter 
  • Delinda: Adelaide, Cruise Line Recruiter (from memory) and Port Adelaide Supporter

They gave us an hour overview (10:30am - 11.30am) of what the Disney Company does and who they are partnered with and about what the program entails. One thing you should know is that you must bring photo identification!! So just bring your student ID, drivers licence or passport. They didn't ask for any other forms as everything they require should already be on DOC.
The start dates they gave us was 13th January or 27th of January and they both end on the 13th of June. Now this is going by memory during a time where I was holding back all my emotions and probably evoked the emotions similar to that of a brick wall trying to maintain a smile. So I apologise if some of my points aren't completely accurate.

During the presentation, a few applicants won fancy luggage tags when they answered some questions regarding the company. I was too slow in putting my hand up and was kinda sad that one of the girls won a tag even though she didn't know the answer, but I did. That's ok, I will get my luggage tag one day!!! haha

As answering phone calls during the time they are talking would be a huge disaster, I had received texts of encouragement and a lovely voice message from Adam (boyfriend) wishing me all the best, to believe in myself and not to stress because he thought I would get it. God I hope he is right...

Since my navigation skills around RMIT were terrible, Lily offered to take me and show everyone else, who were with us, the location of the interview straight after the presentation, which was very sweet!
So we were given hour time slots but the interview itself went for 10-15 minutes. I was part of the first group (12.30pm-1.30pm) who were individually interviewed. Unfortunately they were running half an hour late because the dang door wouldn't open! RUDE!
Once they began, they asked for any volunteers of who would like to go first and from then on, they did the interview in alphabetical order, according to your first name. They both interviewed separately and it went so quickly!
I was interviewed by Delinda and the questions I remember her asking me were...

  • Do you go to this school? If not, where do you go?
  • What year are you currently in with your course?
  • What are you studying and why did you chose it? What would you like to do after university?
  • Do you currently work? If so, where? 
  • Any other work experience?
  • Why did you chose to apply for the program?
  • Have you been to America before? 
  • Do you currently live independently? If not, have you ever had time away from home or away from your parents? 
  • How do you feel about living with others? 
  • What would you do if you had a 'cast member from hell'? i.e. always messy and not considerate of others?
  • What were your top role preferences? 
  • Character Attendant - Do you know what this role entails? Why do you think you'll be suited to this role? 
  • Do you have any body piercings or tattoos? 
  • Prior to going into the program, you will have to do a background check. And upon arrival you will have to do a drug test. Are you ok with both of these? 
  • Most roles require heavy lifting and several measures to ensure your safety, is this okay? 
  • Is there any questions you'd like to ask me?

Other than muddling up my words a few times, I think I did well. I also started talking about the AFL as the team she supports smashed the team I support in the knock-out stage of the finals. So they tried to make it less stressful than what it really was. And don't worry, my hands began to sweat from stress during the interview so when I shook her hand, I apologised.. haha Also, I do believe I walked into the whiteboard and door handle when leaving the room and my shoe nearly slipped off when I was leaving the building... this is typical for me so I just laughed it off.
Just don't forget to smile!!

And that was it for me. Now I am praying and wishing upon all the stars that Delinda thinks I'll be a great cast member and represent the Disney Company to the high standard they are looking for :)

P.s. I feel as if I should have worn this t-shirt to the presentation and interview instead of a knee length blue dress. Don't worry too much about the Disney Look also! a few people wore jeans and a nice top, partly because they had class straight after.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Role Checklist

The following are the many roles that are offered to the Australian and New Zealand applicants :)

Character Performer 
• Portraying specific costumed character roles
• Working in hot, confining, heavy costumes with limited range of vision
• Communicating non-verbally to Guests
• Signing autographs and posing for photographs
• Interacting with Guests outside and in dining establishments
• Must pass audition for this role

Character Attendant 
• Providing Guests with information about show schedules, character locations and visitation times
• Providing audience control, including handling challenging Guest situations
• Ensuring the safety of Character Performers and our Guests
• Partnering with Photopass photographers
• Maintaining show quality and character integrity
• Setting up and removing stanchions, ropes and poles
• Assisting Character Performers with putting on costumes
• Retrieving and arranging strollers

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Step 3: Presentation and Interview Email Invitation

I am a day late for this entry but the email finally arrived!!!
At 5:37am on Tuesday the 5th of August there was an email waiting for me to find it in my inbox. I saw it about 2 hours later, which is rather strange considering that I generally wake up at around 9.30am. But when I saw that notification on the screen of my phone, it was like I had a shot of coffee and was immediately wide awake with excitement! This feeling is so exhilarating after such a long wait...

Anyway, we received two emails which are titled as follows:
  1. Disney International Programs: Invite to Schedule Presentation & Interview
  2. Disney International Programs: Complete Your Role Checklist! 
So basically you go into dashboard and there is a link that takes you to another site where you first select which 'Interview Window' (one hour period) that best suits you and once this is selected, a presentation is automatically scheduled for you to attend. There is also another link which has a long list of information regarding the roles you can sign up for. 
With the roles they gave you four options: high interest, moderate interest, low interest, or no interest. 
Later on I will post all the roles and the descriptions offered to the Australian and New Zealand applicants.

Also, you'll be happy to know that the progression bar thing on dashboard does change from 'In Progress' :) 

Friday 4 July 2014


This post has nothing to do with my progress in the application process, but I did get something in the mail today which I'm rather excited about :)

My 'Little Black Book of Walt Disney World' by Rona Gindin finally arrived and it is so cute! It basically breaks down each world within WDW regarding the rides, entertainment, food and resorts located around each world.

Some good research will be done with this book! :D

Thursday 3 July 2014

Step 2: Applying to the Program

This part wasn't very difficult as it was the initial step in expressing your interest in the program.  I had begun an application a few years ago and I can tell you that there is a difference between the current and previous application process. From what I remember, the only difference to the previous process is that they have broken down the application process into further steps as you were required to immediately give them all the information that you now post to 'DOC'. Any who, for the new system I recommend that you have your Resume/CV ready and a Cover Letter explaining how you could be a good candidate for the program and why you want to participate. With your cover letter, keep it short and sweet; do not exceed a page!

This process is open for 30 days and doesn't take very long (max 1 hour) as long as you have your Resume and Cover Letter prepared and know some general questions about your University: i.e. when you started, when you graduate, what your major and minors are, etc.  Please note that you can edit the Resume and Cover Letter after you submit your application! So do not stress if you read it after and think what is this gibberish that I just sent to Disney?

Once you have completed this section you'll receive a generic confirmation email basically saying thank you for applying and you'll hear from them soon. After this, you should receive an email within a week explaining you need to upload documents to the secure website known as 'DOC' within 7 days.  The items they will ask you to upload are:
- Proof of Student Status Form (go to your Student Services to fill this form out)
- Scanned image of your Passport/s (this is not mandatory, simply email them explaining you currently do not have a passport)
- Any Prior US Work Visas
- Emergency Contact Address Information
- Visa Appointment Location

The DOC step apparently does not occur for every applicant so please do not worry if you do not receive any information. But if you find you are the only person who hasn't been asked to submit any further information, send the recruitment team an email voicing your concern.
And that is it for the application process! Now you wait...

Step 1: What is Disney J1 Australia & New Zealand CEP?

Most of the following information is from the Disney Careers website but I thought to briefly explain what the program is about and why you would want to apply. You need to be a minimum of 18 years of age to apply and a minimum of 1 year of full time study University/TAFE at an accredited institution, fluent in english and an Australian, New Zealand or USA citizen. You can also apply within a year after your graduation date and there is no maximum age requirement. The program allows people from Australia and New Zealand the opportunity to work at Walt Disney World for 6 to 12 months. The areas which you can work in include:

- Attractions
- Character Performer
- Concierge
- Costuming
- Custodial
- Front Desk
- Full Service Food and Beverage
- Lifeguard
- Main Entrance
- Merchandise
- Recreation
- Quick Service Restaurants
- Vacation Planner

Each area has a range of responsibilities and you could work in any of the worlds or resorts within Walt Disney World. The pay starts from $9 USD per hour and a minimum of 30 hours a week.

You are probably wondering why would I want to travel to the other side of the world to work ridiculous hours for very little money? Well, one of the perks of being a Disney 'Cast Member' (employee) is that you can go to Walt Disney World for FREE and there are discounts and other fancy stuff. Also, (and this was a main one for me) that you LOVE Disney, that you are living so close to one of the most magical places on earth, and you are part of the experience which the guests will talk about for years to come. And finally, you will be surrounded by other people from across the world who express the same love for everything Disney as you.

I'm just keeping it positive and there are some general negatives across the internet about this program. But one thing I have noticed is that if you do not extremely love or obsessed with the Disney Company, not a fan of following so many rules, not very optimistic with what this program entails, hate working nearly all the time and believe you are brainwashed during the training, then you won't enjoy yourself.  Other than that, don't freak out about the concept of earning little money as the fact that you could proudly say "I worked at Walt Disney World" is very unique for us who live no where near Florida.

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

After a number of years of questioning whether or not I should apply for this program, I finally listened to my heart and went for it. I chose to apply because I honestly do not know what I want to do after University and I think this program would be a fantastic break from my ordinary life. I have always loved and been fascinated by the Walt Disney Company in their ability to spread the magic of Disney all over the world; so why not apply to be a part of the magic?

My current position in the application process is 'In Progress'... I applied on the 20th of May 2014 and they had expressed on their Blog that we would hear something within 4 to 8 weeks. You won't receive any contact from them during this period of time, unless you email them. This is such a painful and long wait but I highly recommend that you either look for a Facebook group that includes other applicants or create one that way you can begin to connect with other people who are in the same position as you. Also, your family and friends will probably get sick of you talking about Disney 24/7 so, this way you know you won't be annoying anyone as everyone is this program/process are united with their love for Disney. It should be noted that your obsession for Disney will sky rocket once you apply for this program... this is not a bad thing! haha

In further posts, I'll explain the application process and what you need to include with the new process they have implemented. But for now, I'll be praying and wishing upon all the stars that sometime in July I'll hear from the recruitment team!